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An overview of ignition interlock device orders

On Behalf of | Mar 7, 2022 | Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving

Ignition interlock devices include built-in breath tests and attach to vehicles. When installed, the vehicles will not start if the driver provides a breath sample with a blood alcohol concentration level that exceeds 0.05%. Among other penalties, the court may order drivers convicted of driving under the influence to install such devices.

Understanding the IID requirement in the state may help motorists protect their rights, including their driving privileges.

Who must have an IID installed?

According to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, drivers convicted of DUI offenses often must have ignition interlock devices installed on their vehicles. The court will also often order IIDs installed for those who refuse breath testing to determine their BAC levels. Drivers must have any vehicles they lease, own or principally operates equipped with ignition interlocks when ordered by the court.

How long will drivers have ignition interlocks on their vehicles?

The duration of the IID period depends on factors, including drivers’ BAC levels at the time of their arrests, as well as their prior driving records and arrest histories. For example, the court will order ignition interlock devices for drivers convicted of first-time driving under the influence with a BAC that does not exceed 0.15% for between three months and one year. For a second or subsequent offense, the duration increases to between two and four years. Generally, the IID period does not begin until after any driver’s license suspensions.

Who pays for IIDs?

According to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, drivers who must have ignition interlock devices installed on their vehicles will bear the associated costs. This includes installation fees, as well as monitoring fees.

Violating the terms of the IID order may result in additional penalties for motorists. Therefore, those ordered to have such devices installed should take care to understand their rights and responsibilities.
