Head injuries can impact victims in many different ways. This includes emotional, behavioral and physical impacts that can last days to years, or even a lifetime. They can also impact your ability to cope with stress. But in what ways, and how? Temperament and impulse...
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Month: March 2022
Should you always take a breath analysis test?
A breath analysis test is an important tool officers have to help them keep the road safe for all drivers. However, when you are faced with one, it can feel invasive and unfair. You may feel like it is within your rights to turn down this test. Unfortunately, that is...
An overview of ignition interlock device orders
Ignition interlock devices include built-in breath tests and attach to vehicles. When installed, the vehicles will not start if the driver provides a breath sample with a blood alcohol concentration level that exceeds 0.05%. Among other penalties, the court may order...